Do You Worry About Your Elderly Parents?
SMP and Jewish Family Services do also. The following tips will help you protect your loved ones from being a victim of a Medicare scam.
TIP 1: DO NOT give out your Medicare # to anyone you do not trust. Safeguard your number as you would your bank account or credit card numbers.
TIP 2: Hang up the phone or shut the door if you are contacted by someone claiming to be a Medicare representative. Guess what… Medicare will not call you or make a home visit. “It’s shrewd to be rude.”
TIP 3: Shred your Medicare, health care, and other important documents before throwing them away. Take advantage of free community shredding events.
TIP 4: Be sure to read your Medicare Summary Notice even though it says “This is Not a Bill.” Be on the lookout for services which were not provided, services that were billed twice, or for services not ordered by your doctor. If you see something that doesn’t look right, call your doctor’s billing office right away.
TIP 5: Use a calendar or health care journal to record all of your doctor visits, medical tests and procedures. Compare your Medicare Summary Notice with your calendar or journal. If you see something that does not look right, call your doctor’s billing office right away.